I am trying to migratemailboxesfromanExchange 2007 withall roleson a single servertoa newExchange2013server environment.Where Ihavetwo serverswith both rolesinstalled. I also have aDAG.
My problemis that it takesan extremely long timeto move largemailboxes(2 GB andlarger). I useEACfor
arenot a problem.
I've foundif I restartthe MicrosoftExchange MailboxReplicationServicemovedsomemailagainbut thenit hangs
Does anyone haveany ideawhere the problem lies.I cannot holdonto restart the service
all the timethen willthe migrationtake monthsto complete.It's asmall organization.
For information, I runthe following
commandswithout success (KB951037).
- netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled
netsh int tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
Then rebooted the servers.
Michael Wiskman